Rock Church – Distinctives – Charismatic

Hi and thanks for joining us today!

Our next series will be the last one in our current location. We thought of no better way than to get us thinking mission-ally, and about who we are as a Church, and what makes us distinct from other Churches.. Or maybe to answer the question, “What do we have to offer that this city and our new neighborhood need?”

We’re going to be addressing the unique things about our DNA that God has blessed us with, and we believe are capable of changing a neighborhood as well as a City..

The 5 things are:

1. The Word
2. Gospel Centered
3. Charismatic
4. Family
5. Mission

If you’d like to find out more about our church and attending a live service you can find us online at as well as on facebook at Rock Church of the Quad Cities. You can also watch our live and past sermons on Facebook. Search Rock Church QC. Be sure to click the “Like” button and turn on notifications so you know when we go live and post new content.

Thanks for listening! If you’d like to find out more about our church and attending a live service, you can find us online here:

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instagram – @rockchurchqc

We hope this message truly blesses you! Please consider supporting our church. You can give online by clicking here or by texting “rcqc give” to 77977.

Thank you so much for your generosity!

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